- An integrated platform to showcase small-scale renewable energy and energy efficient products.
- Strong links with the supply side market.
- Market mobilisation; we assist in activating the market through various activities, including in-store promotions, advertising in local and national publications, radio and TV interviews, as well as using the retailers’ own marketing platforms.
- We lower risks and costs involved in the introduction of these technologies through providing you with:
- A single entity to deal with – as opposed to having to deal with countless manufacturers and distributors.
- A “sell or exchange” policy that allows you, as retailer, to exchange any product still in a good condition for another product from our catalogue of equivalent value.
- The assurance that you are being provided with the best, highest quality products.
- Various support activities, including training of shop-floor staff.
- A powerful understanding of the household energy market, from recreational consumers to the large low-income consumer communities.
- A full product range that assists retailers to meet their corporate social responsibility and environmental impact obligations.
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur and you are keen on owning your own business you are invited to apply to EnerGcare today. Alternatively if your organisation works with entrepreneurs in the types of environments that EnerGcare wants to operate in who could also become EnerGcare Independent Distributors you are also invited to apply.
- Specialised EnerGcare induction and sales training
- Marketing and promotion materials and campaigns.
- Providing easy access to the EnerGcare product range.
- Training programs from internal and external trainers.
- Group learning initiatives.
- Monitoring & evaluation.
- Self-promotion on the EnerGcare website.
DOWNLOAD And complete the Independent Distributor Application Form today.
Successful applicants will be invited for an interview.
I.D Application forms are also available:
- At the EnerGcare container at The Business Place (Philippi, Cape Town)
- From any existing Independent Distributor
- By emailing
Our offer to municipalities consists of the following:
- Our range of high-quality renewable and efficient energy products.
- After-sales service and product support.
- Product demonstration and training for end users.
- ’Self-promotion on the EnerGcare website.